Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Where The 'N' Word Lives Part 2

Where The 'N' Word Lives Part 2


Part 1 of our series in exploring the hidden (but not so hidden) racial and unequal parts of America hit close to my home. In such a place not so far and then placed right in the middle of "white-thought" country, we saw just a taste of prejudice in a small town community, not far from major Tourist Florida. In part 2 we will have a broader look and touch on media news and how race came to play a role in a local town not so far from here. 

Places I've Been, Places You Can't Be

Running a paper route in the middle of the night can be strenuous. It's hard on a normal life. Depending where you get these routes you tend to see everything from drunks, devastating late-night car crashes, even violence if your not so lucky enough. While it keeps things interesting and different, the fact of the matter is your job becomes more dangerous.  Especially if you have to stop by a convenient store. Here you do find many drunks on their way from parties and bars. You get crazies who want late-night snacks after being in a drug-induced coma. If someone isn't packing heat in intent to rob the store, sometimes you encounter racial interactions instead. Two races mixing at a common place, perhaps for a common purchase.

I arrived at one of my stores to drop papers and bag the rest of my route. Outside, an obvious skin head with a swastika tattoo on his neck walks into the store with his girlfriend behind him. Roughly the same time a young black girl pulls up to go inside as well. The black girl doesn't look like she came from the club as some do this late, nor was she loud or rude. What sparked the confrontation: nothing. Nothing I could hear or see anyway. The skin head's girlfriend suddenly shouts "You 'f'ing' nigger!" The black woman, shocked, shouts back "Well, at least I'm no nasty-ass, racist slut!" and leaves quickly. The white woman cries in the parking lot while the skin-head tries to calm her down, she apparently now getting angry at him: perhaps because he began the altercation before the girlfriend chimed in with him, which it looked like from my end seeing the black woman hadn't said anything. The way the girlfriend dressed was to bring about a general stereotype about her sex life and now she sat and cried from the stereotype, saying over and over "I ain't no slut!"

Working at Disney you didn't see a whole lot of racism, but on occasion you did catch it. At now Hollywood Studios I was photographing the large Aerosmith guitar with guests posing and like I'd see thousands of times these few hours, a family of three walks into the courtyard. Mom, dad and a young boy. They looked much like a middle American white family- maybe slightly on a lower income scale, but nothing rough. Nothing much thought about them until I hear the boy say loudly to his parents over the music "There's a lot of niggers here!" Mom and dad promptly 'shush' him, telling him- loud enough I could overhear it- that this isn't the place to say that stuff... then moved on with no punishment to the grade school boy.

Throwing the race card

I was even told a handful of times about my racism. My job with lines was to time them and stand at the end when the queue was long enough to fill in the time left to visit a character. Often, many people would come up to me after I had closed it trying to get into line, just for me to tell them when we would be returning or not returning. My line was closed. One day I vividly remember a hispanic man and his large family come to me literally moments after I cut the end of the line just to have him accusing me of racism. It wasn't until the black man two families away from the end turned and defended me by saying "Hey, she let me in and I'm black! She's not racist at all then, is she?" Then the last family also turned to look at the verbal accuser of my so-called racism. They, too, were hispanic and laughed at the accuser, even saying, "We are from Puerto Rico and I got in this line on time, she's just doing her job. Look," she continues after I turn more guests away," she's turning away the white people, too. Don't call her racist."  Hope, perhaps?

The Race Card in Current Day:

Makes me think of the current events in the news. This whole "Zimmerman" case that just was wrapped up, yet people still cry foul despite the laws here in Florida that he complied with and was covered by. I think the biggest debate that made this so long a case was the question: Was it racial profiling? I don't personally. While I think Zimmerman was in the wrong to follow the guy so hard, it doesn't give the other party any legal right to throw a punch- which a beating by a 6 foot something football player could leave anyone fearing for their lives at this point. Many in the black community cry foul, the he was only a kid- but if Zimmerman were just attacked, Trevon would have been tried as an adult for assault if not worse. Not by race standards- but the law. But race is being called a factor. The media threw it around as a white on black case which worsened the already slanted pictures of the two involved people. Zimmerman was not Caucasian, but of hispanic origin. Much of the black community doesn't see it this way.

On the other side of the KKK we have the Black Panthers. Both groups are racist. KKK for white supremacy and Black Panthers for black supremacy. You don't hear much about them until a racially charged story comes up. Yet, those who paid attention, Zimmerman wasn't white at all but he was casted as such.

This has caused all sorts of types to come out of the wood-work. Of course, many who think it's a race-fueled crime have become hateful to 'white' folks as captured on these Twitter posts:

Yet there is the side of white people that also have chosen to speak, showing their racism clearly against blacks because of the case:

On the other end of the spectrum we have supporters who think differently of the race debate all together. In this picture, we have a group of what looks like predominantly whites who saw that race was a factor in Trevon's death:

In a report by the AP, Bill Cosby thinks the case was about guns and not race at all:

It's stories like this that happened a year ago that bring out where racism is and how racism is viewed. A friend said his friend was black and sided with Zimmerman but he had been so scared to voice this opinion in fear that he would be seen as a race traitor in his community. Why should someone fear this in this day and age? Why haven't we come far at all after all the nation has been through?

Next Blog, Part 3:

We will visit some other places where inequality thrives that was captured on the most popular internationally viewed shown- shot right here in the south. Also some other places close to home where hate groups live- and they are closer then you think.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Where The 'N' Word Lives Part 1

Where The 'N' Word Lives 

Disclaimer: I am not racist not prejudice in any way. I believe all people are just that: people. No matter skin color, background, creed, or sexual orientation all people should be given the same opportunity and not discriminated against. This series is an account of living in small town America and the people I have come into contact with that fit the report of the series. Full words, slang and terms will be used from those I will quote during the series.

Life in Small Town America

I grew up in a small town near Clermont, Florida. My town never had may minorities living there while I was growing up, but the outlining area always had a few until I was older during our population boom. It was said to me that our town had people who didn't like blacks or hispanics. I never really witnessed much of this but did pick up on some idle chat of negativity toward other 'races' on occasion. I even discovered the field near our home was home to Clan meetings. When I expressed my concern saying "That's scary!" our family friend said, "Why? You're not black." I was probably 12-14 years of age then. 

Going to school we never really had people who expressed hate toward others until high school. The Clermont area bused us to Groveland at the time, an area where there was a mix of Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, blacks and rednecks. Heavy on the rednecks. Most fights in school were the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. Occasionally you would have the rednecks going after the others. Mostly though it was the hispanics who fought each other. I think it was just that common knowledge with us that these two groups never got along. Just down the road to Mascot and Stucky was primarily redneck territory and farms, mud holes and forest, dotted with Mexican families. I don't think we ever thought about it at all really.

Fast forward to today. This area I currently live is totally different in mentality. Roughly 45 minutes north of the Clermont area there is a mix of all types. North of Mount Dora even. While there are some blacks and Mexicans you rarely see them. Rednecks in their big mudding trucks don hunting gear, camo and have an odd mix of rap or country blasting through their stereos. Whenever you see blacks or Mexicans it's seldom in the stores here. In one area there is a sort of ghetto- a place you know is bad to go in the middle of this town. Stories of parking there and within seconds your stereo goes missing or guns pointed on you are told. It's an all black community in this part. Mexicans around this area aren't all legalized citizens. Just down the street from me are a couple Mexican families with 9 children each in a single wide, sell food stamps the beg for food after spending whatever they did have on junk for the week. They are known to steal SSN cards and sell them to other Mexicans to apply for benefits that many Americans this day need. These people also encourage their children to steal the other childrens' toys from the yards with no repercussion.

Generally Speaking

The words 'nigger' and 'spick' are thrown around often when talking about these other nationalities, even if they aren't speaking of those living near them. The generalities of where blacks work is known, and a lot of the Mexicans have stereotypical jobs as well. Not that you don't see any of these nationalities doing anything else- it's like it's assumed that is where they will be seen if they do work.

It's almost as bad as my assuming everyone with a rebel flag is a racist. While a symbol for the South Confederacy who did own slaves, almost everyone I have met with this flag flying thinks the roots meant to also be prejudice.

It seems like it's all just Southern Right Wing Conservatives- if your not white and/or straight you aren't right nor are you natural, and many be damned if you aren't Christian. Yet not everyone follows Christian doctrine in this area despite saying they are. That another time.

The ideas and words are used so much around these parts it's almost like everyday words such as 'and' and 'the'. It still makes me uncomfortable, but I know it's not just here.

Part Two: Next time we will pick up on some other areas where race and inequality seem to rear their heads as well as even discussing the hot topic debate in the news with the Zimmerman trial.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Updates and Regrouping

Updates and Regrouping

First, I must apologize for my absence. Our move went well into our new home, but being a housewife and mommy isn't easy! Not that I ever thought it would be, but sometimes it bogs me down so much that I strive to find as much laid-back time as possible when the hubby is around and then when he goes to work. 

Lots of projects are in my head and much stress due to other things are coming about. Hopefully some thoughts can get out here and I can stay positive about it all without unneeded ranting. 

My Upcoming Blog Posts:

In the few blogs ahead I have a sort of report of sorts about racism and the areas that still thrive very well with a closed mind. It will be provocative and maybe be offensive to some, but not to be just that. To show another side of this nation that is alive and well that most think has progressed all together. I will title this report "Where the 'N' Word Lives" and feature a few different stories about people I have met and people I try not to meet. A point of view that is forgotten because so many have moved on but many around here are untouched.

If it all goes well I hope to keep the series for a few runs, perhaps once a week if not more. 

Remember hate is a negative thing and it is only taught to us, it is never natural to us.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Personal Apology

I have been meaning to blog for a while, but my feelings have been all over. As I take care of them and get them addressed and hope to return to normal I have been busy otherwise. Finishing up commission illustration work for someone and also getting ready to move into our own place. While it has been hectic I haven't forgotten about my blog nor my readers. 

Questions and Comments welcome!

If you have a question or a comment you are more then welcome to ask away. If I have some advice I will surely give it, and if you would like it addressed to everyone in hopes of helping others out with similar situations please put that in the message. Comments, of course, always welcome!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Getting Creative

Getting Creative

If you have read some of my past blog posts you'll see I always tend to add arts and crafts as something positive to do. I'm really big into art. In fact, my dream would be to attend art school (I know, I CAN do it but specialty schools are awfully expensive in comparison to other colleges) and do illustration work as well as keep myself freelance as an artist. My goals and dreams are slowly coming- I have had a couple works published in a tabletop gaming supplement commissioned by someone who works close to me through another friend of mine and yet another set of illustrations to go along with the next game he is writing up.  I have an intense passion for my work and look for all sorts of inspiration.

Included in some inspiration as of lately is trying my talents at some stuff I normally do not see much appreciation in. Http://www.strathmoreartiststudio.com/ is Strathmore artist paper's new approach to pushing art papers through teaching technique to people who may have not already considered these artistic approaches. This year they have 3 workshops, the first already underway and the second starting on May 1st. The first is the one I jumped on right away.

I have a hard time appreciating abstract art in most forms. I decided to sign up for this class to get more insight and broaden my own talents and technique. So far as I watch the video tutorials I feel like I'm hooked! You have no time limit except by the end of the year to submit anything. Work at your own pace. And my tip for the supplies: most ask on there where to get the specifics or every type of medium. You do NOT need to do this. If you have several types of mediums, work with them. 

The other two is toned paper work (which I swooned over this) and card making. 

Why bring this up? 

You don't need to be an artist to get into an art or craft. Doing something you like and being creative is such a simple way to bring satisfying results, not to mention destress. If you get frustrated with your art skills (even artists do- trust me) you can always take to crafts. ANYONE and I mean anyone can go online, find a list of things they would like to undertake project-wise (on every level of skill imaginable and budget) and get busy doing something creative. If your not use to crafting you'll notice after much time that things are easily customizable to how you want things to look. Feel free to change things up and make things truly your own!

Bring light and happiness into your home with arts and crafts. If you have children they will enjoy doing these things with you. Make your space truly yours. Bring light into your world through arts.

Situational Awareness Saturday

Situational Awareness Saturday

I'm a couple days late posting this, been feeling under-the-weather and also busy busy busy. Never fear, though: I am here!

Situational Awareness Saturday is a recap on your week. How did your positive actions effect others? Did you have situations occur that weren't pleasant during the week that you could have changed just by your actions or attitude towards them? How will you choose to act the following week?

By taking a look back we can reflect on ourselves and decide to be better if we weren't pleased with the outcomes. While regret is nothing healthy, we learn instead to change for the next time situations arise. 

It's almost plan building. Did we make more of something we shouldn't have? Did we show negativity instead of making a positive choice? Were our words credible? Did we make our words count when you spoke?

It's time to take that look back so that you can move forward to a better week next week. If you have trouble making the most of the week you can always refer back to our One Day At A Time blog for the listing of each day to bring some focus and sparkle to those around us: in turn making a better mindset for ourselves!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Having Fun Friday

Having Fun Friday

Having Fun Friday is actually very simple. After you get off work, school, or done with your household duties it's time to make time for yourself.

All week we learned some ways to treat others and be mindful of happiness that we can spread. Thursday was a little different but the results for ourselves and perhaps those around us by repelling negativity are the same- spreading happiness by letting things go or removing ourselves from situations.

But today is really relaxing. I really find it hard to give 100% when we are run down, tired, or just need some "me" time. It's really quite simple to do and all you need is to know what you enjoy to do on your off time.

Some ideas to focus on yourself and 'having fun'

You can always hang out with friends. Good company is always great.
Go see a movie or go out to eat. Sometimes scenery change is good.
Order take out and rent a movie.
Focus on meditation.
Catch up or start on an artistic project.
Play a video game- or if you aren't the console owning type- play some online games.
If you enjoy writing you can always plan and start a book.
Read a book.
Take a bath with dim light and music.
Just sit outside with a drink and enjoy.

Having Fun Friday is really about relieving the stress by dedicating your time to doing what you want. You work all week taking care of your needs and sometimes we spend a lot of time making sure other's are in good shape. It doesn't take a lot of money or time to pamper yourself: just make sure you are doing what you like to do!