Wednesday, April 10, 2013

One Day At A Time- A Preview

A Goal for Every Day!

I wanted everyone to share in a daily goal every day of the week, so here's some fun ways to bring positive energy to each day! We will start this Sunday- so look out for the post the day before to get you ready. Consider this a preview.

Smiling Sunday!

Start out the week with a smile! It's contagious and you may be asked why your so happy. Share some good news- or if you can't think of anything just say your just happy.

Make Someone Happy Monday!

This should be the day to go out of your way for a random act of kindness. It will truly make someone happy! Especially if you do good for a stranger!

Turn it Around Tuesday!

Everyone get's into situations that seem unbearable. It may be us or someone we know. Time to focus on the positives of these situations!

Way to Go Wednesday!

Make sure to praise someone: on an accomplishment, their work, how they carry themselves- anything that creates a positive focus for a job well done or a good job toward a goal!

Throw it Away Thursday!

Maybe it's a situation you shouldn't be a part of, a feeling you can't shake, or something you have been holding back. Time to put it out there or get rid of it!

Having Fun Friday!

Time to relax and have fun after a good, long week. Take some time out for yourself. 

Situational Awareness Saturday!

Time to look back at the week and look ahead. Plan, make goals, and start thinking about what to change to make a more positive outlook.

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