Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Turn it Around Tuesday

Turn it Around Tuesday

Tuesday we focus on the positive again with Turn it Around Tuesday. Taking a situation we hear about or know someone in and be thankful for the light out of the situations instead of burying ourselves with all the negative that we forget.

It's fitting we do this today after the news late yesterday afternoon. I'm not completely up-to-date on the tragedy of the Boston Marathon as I don't have cable or local T.V. and the news reports online blew up with all sorts of mismatched information as it was happening.

How do we take this Boston Marathon and apply our Tuesday technique, especially when it is so devastating and horrible?

Mr. Fred Rodgers really summed up tragedy in this following quote to help people, especially children, deal with the scariness of the news.

It is something to watch those people rush in so quickly. Many people consider those people 'heroes'. They come from all walks of life, all types of roles in the work place with the one goal in place. Helping those people that were effected. It's almost selflessness. These people, these helpers, aren't worried something else may happen, they aren't there to just scour for loved ones, they aren't even worried about the horrific sights they may encounter. Just that people need their help and they step in so fast to make sure people can get help.

It's not that we are to forget tragedy altogether, but we look to the good of situations as a beacon of hope that even in hell good people exist.

Other situations to turn it around

People go through crisis almost everyday around us. Family, friends, those who we see but don't know their names... everyone has those moments where it all falls apart. Perhaps maybe it isn't such a big situation to us but maybe it is to them. Even a blown tire on a car can dampen the spirits for a while of someone who doesn't make much money. 
In any case we have to remind ourselves of positive things instead of the negative things and dwell on these. For instance, that person with a blown tire may have just gotten paid the day before. Therefore, he can afford the tire and just do without something or call and reschedule a payment due for a bill. 

When my grandmother died we all were really devastated. She had bad dementia for years. She lived up in Ohio and although we lived down here in Florida we all missed her greatly. My grandmother had a hard time with this ailment and none of the family up north really told her what was wrong with her. My mom couldn't even say it to her fearing what she would do while in the health care facility. She died the winter of my senior year in high school. We took the trip to Ohio and for the first time I got to see snow. I got to see family I hadn't seen (or will see) in a long time. I know my grandmother wasn't suffering anymore with her confusion and embarrassment. 

Any situation, large or small, has an impact. Just be aware if someone sits suffering for their situation. Be aware of your words, of course, if you take it upon yourself to see the light of a situation. But know that positive things are there. They are always there.

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