Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Updates and Regrouping

Updates and Regrouping

First, I must apologize for my absence. Our move went well into our new home, but being a housewife and mommy isn't easy! Not that I ever thought it would be, but sometimes it bogs me down so much that I strive to find as much laid-back time as possible when the hubby is around and then when he goes to work. 

Lots of projects are in my head and much stress due to other things are coming about. Hopefully some thoughts can get out here and I can stay positive about it all without unneeded ranting. 

My Upcoming Blog Posts:

In the few blogs ahead I have a sort of report of sorts about racism and the areas that still thrive very well with a closed mind. It will be provocative and maybe be offensive to some, but not to be just that. To show another side of this nation that is alive and well that most think has progressed all together. I will title this report "Where the 'N' Word Lives" and feature a few different stories about people I have met and people I try not to meet. A point of view that is forgotten because so many have moved on but many around here are untouched.

If it all goes well I hope to keep the series for a few runs, perhaps once a week if not more. 

Remember hate is a negative thing and it is only taught to us, it is never natural to us.

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