Sunday, April 21, 2013

Getting Creative

Getting Creative

If you have read some of my past blog posts you'll see I always tend to add arts and crafts as something positive to do. I'm really big into art. In fact, my dream would be to attend art school (I know, I CAN do it but specialty schools are awfully expensive in comparison to other colleges) and do illustration work as well as keep myself freelance as an artist. My goals and dreams are slowly coming- I have had a couple works published in a tabletop gaming supplement commissioned by someone who works close to me through another friend of mine and yet another set of illustrations to go along with the next game he is writing up.  I have an intense passion for my work and look for all sorts of inspiration.

Included in some inspiration as of lately is trying my talents at some stuff I normally do not see much appreciation in. Http:// is Strathmore artist paper's new approach to pushing art papers through teaching technique to people who may have not already considered these artistic approaches. This year they have 3 workshops, the first already underway and the second starting on May 1st. The first is the one I jumped on right away.

I have a hard time appreciating abstract art in most forms. I decided to sign up for this class to get more insight and broaden my own talents and technique. So far as I watch the video tutorials I feel like I'm hooked! You have no time limit except by the end of the year to submit anything. Work at your own pace. And my tip for the supplies: most ask on there where to get the specifics or every type of medium. You do NOT need to do this. If you have several types of mediums, work with them. 

The other two is toned paper work (which I swooned over this) and card making. 

Why bring this up? 

You don't need to be an artist to get into an art or craft. Doing something you like and being creative is such a simple way to bring satisfying results, not to mention destress. If you get frustrated with your art skills (even artists do- trust me) you can always take to crafts. ANYONE and I mean anyone can go online, find a list of things they would like to undertake project-wise (on every level of skill imaginable and budget) and get busy doing something creative. If your not use to crafting you'll notice after much time that things are easily customizable to how you want things to look. Feel free to change things up and make things truly your own!

Bring light and happiness into your home with arts and crafts. If you have children they will enjoy doing these things with you. Make your space truly yours. Bring light into your world through arts.

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