Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Way to Go Wednesday

Way to Go Wednesday

Way to Go Wednesday is all about praising and recognition of others. It's proven that those who receive recognition tend to have higher esteem and continue their goals to complete them. It pumps them up that someone notices the work they do. 

No deed should ever go unnoticed, no goal without a reward, and good job without the proper acknowledgment. Some people do good things without ever wanting attention, and that's alright, too. The feeling of helping someone is just as good as someone patting them on the back.

While we look for do-gooders we should always remember the mundane tasks that deserve praise as well. Daily jobs with a sincere "thanks" is almost like saying "your doing a good job" to those we encounter. 

Where to show praise and recognition

Start with those who work around you. Tell them what a good job they do in the line of work.

Praise your spouse or significant other on the duties they preform.

Tell children the praises of their accomplishments and how far they are coming along.

Local law enforcement and firefighters may be just 'doing their jobs' but they do a lot for the community.

Teachers and health care workers often work without much praise day to day.

Those who work anywhere and do a good job deserve a pat on the back. Those who go above and beyond deserve extra praise for taking the time.

People who help us sometimes deserve more then just a thank you. Sometimes they need help and never ask. Pay it forward, pay it back, just show them you appreciate them.

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