About Me

I grew up here in Florida and always seen struggles with the people around me. My parents are still together to this day but we weren't without these struggles, especially monetarily. I knew we didn't have the biggest house, I knew I couldn't get all the toys I wanted, but we didn't do horribly bad compared to some others. We did our best. As I got older I realized this much more, but getting a job and working myself- even with significant others- we all struggled no matter how much work we put into anything. One thing I have to say about the experience so far: I have learned.
I worked mostly at Walt Disney World in my adult life- as a photographer for a 3rd party then in Entertainment as a greeter to our characters. I learned not only social skills that I was very scared of, but also how to have fun even during some of the hardest and stressful times. I have been not only a first responder to guests having medical problems and quick thinking without "thinking" about it, but also taking a beating mentally almost at the end of every day near closing. I still went back and smiled and learned how to cope with such stress. I am not perfect, though. I never will be. Some days will always be harder then others and I will still break down and stress like any normal human. But I will try every time.
In my latest life I live as a freelance artist/illustrator, new mommy, lover and really jobless. My fiancee does work every night as a newspaper delivery person without a day off and makes enough for us to live on, but not to live the high life. Being low income all of my adult life I have learned tricks and tips to not only be happy, but still live in the positive and maybe have some extra fun here and there. There is a large amount of stress living away from my hometown with my friends with a baby at almost 30 years old, being uprooted from your comfort zone, and taking on every day worrying about fixing the wear and tear on my only vehicle just to keep a job and get around.
My blog is here to help people of all types. No matter what anyone is going through, how lavishly they live or don't- we have all seen things, live, love and try. My blog is here to share my spiritual side with uplifting and thought provoking messages no matter what faith you follow as well as share advice I have learned, tips on making the most of your money and things, and possibly some foody stuff as I am a HUGE lover of the art of cooking- even on a tight budget.
Hope you all enjoy and come to know me better- but most of all- know yourselves and make changes for the better! :)

About my art: I have a ton of things I'm trying to do and hopes others will love it enough that I can make it a part time job to help the family while I stay home to be the mom and housewife I promise to be. Please take a look at my art page and "LIKE" it of Facebook to keep up with this very important part of my life and view some of my work. http://www.facebook.com/ErinHayesArt

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