Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fear in Communication


We all fear something. Perhaps we fear many things. Fear holds us back to making us happy or solving a problem. 
So what do we do when we fear change? When we fear the worst of an outcome?

What happens when we leave our fears

If we don't confront our fears we may never know. We miss opportunity. Sometimes we even make situations worse. 

Being passive or practicing avoidance is a communicative block between people. You must overcome this to communicate well and take care of disagreements or problems. If you are unhappy because of something someone is doing avoiding the subject may seem easier but, in fact, it tends to make things worse for you on your end. The person may not be aware of what they are doing to affect you.

Solving and Overcoming Fears

Figure out why you are afraid. Are you afraid of hurting feelings? Are you afraid of confrontation all together? Maybe your afraid of the response.

Would leaving the situation be more beneficial in the long run?

Chances are leaving it go will be worse. 
It's often better to sit and discuss the problem at hand then to continue to fear. 
Address the problem and how it makes you feel.
Make sure the other party gets to also express this.
You may fight for your point, but make sure you are thorough in your words and how it makes you feel. 
Most conflict can be solved with some sort of "meeting in the middle" where both parties come to an agreement. If this is unlikely or the situation is not something to compromise on then weigh the options if it continues. 
If you continue to be unhappy with the result and the person will not turn, then perhaps there is the ultimatum  But won't that be better then always unhappy and worry?

Most times problems arise from the lack of communication and fear of bringing up the problems. Perhaps the greater fear should be what would happen if I don't?

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