Sunday, April 21, 2013

Situational Awareness Saturday

Situational Awareness Saturday

I'm a couple days late posting this, been feeling under-the-weather and also busy busy busy. Never fear, though: I am here!

Situational Awareness Saturday is a recap on your week. How did your positive actions effect others? Did you have situations occur that weren't pleasant during the week that you could have changed just by your actions or attitude towards them? How will you choose to act the following week?

By taking a look back we can reflect on ourselves and decide to be better if we weren't pleased with the outcomes. While regret is nothing healthy, we learn instead to change for the next time situations arise. 

It's almost plan building. Did we make more of something we shouldn't have? Did we show negativity instead of making a positive choice? Were our words credible? Did we make our words count when you spoke?

It's time to take that look back so that you can move forward to a better week next week. If you have trouble making the most of the week you can always refer back to our One Day At A Time blog for the listing of each day to bring some focus and sparkle to those around us: in turn making a better mindset for ourselves!

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