Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Positivity Training Part 3

Positivity Training Part 3 (part 2 of 2) continued...

If you missed part 2 you can get it HERE, also included in part 2 was link to part 1 and links to my other blog pages that focus on positive outcomes that are not part of this series.

Note from Erin: As we dive deeper into this and my other posts I noticed we are getting into deeper subjects. Some of these ideas come from my experience with friends in these areas. If anyone has a question or wants me to address an issue I'll be more then happy to blog about it. I encourage people to do this as it is possible others may have similar circumstance!

When last time we looked at positivity training...

In part 2 we began looking at what we can do for today when the past has influenced us. In part 3 we will continue looking at how our past shapes us today and being aware of how we have become shaped we can work on changes for the positive.

My family raised me to only like those who were like us. Don't mingle with those who were a different race, etc.

This is a big one here in the south. I didn't see this heavily until I left the Disney workplace and lived farther north. The farther from the tourist or even bigger city places I went- or coworkers visited- the more you hear appalling stories and see some rather...scary... people. It's not just the south, but all across the states in one form or fashion. 
Hate is not inherited by birth. Hate and discrimination are taught through our parent and caregivers.  No matter what culture or race you grew up as, the only way to think less of others is upbringing. Sometimes it's culturally driven, other times it's a skewed extreme religious view. Generality is 99% incorrect. Yes, people fit stereotypes sometimes, but there are those that break the "mold" constantly of those.

What if you are this person? While this is a harder subject the first thing I say to you is look at those you think are inferior in some way. Those people are just that- people. They all bleed red, are capable of great things, intelligent beings, have feelings just like you or me. Spiritually we are all the same. We all are trying to make it through life, find a purpose. Biologically all races share 99.8 percent of the human genes and roots of all people are traced to tribes that originated in Africa roughly 6 million years ago. Changes to race are only adaptations of areas (through mutations and survival) over thousands of years due to climate. I could go on forever about biology but might I digress... People of all types- race, culture, religions, creeds, etc. are all capable of such great things. I may elaborate in a separate blog soon. Look inward. Is treating those who have done no wrong to you or others deserving of such animosity? Will your differences toward others because of this make you the better person?

When we grew up we had the best of everything. I refuse to have it any less as an adult.

I know this seems silly, and by all rights, if you have worked hard and have the funds you should do as you please and give yourself those things. But you are not entitled to such things in life. When you are use to life a certain way you sort of expect these things. Hand outs. Treatment. That's not how it works in real life. People as bosses and in professional areas don't care. They care that you are doing your work, being productive, making the focus of business just that so that at the end of the day they make budgets. Not your problem, you say? In the work place it truly is. It all starts from the bottom of the chain.

What if you are this person? First off, things are just things. Sometimes we hit rock bottom or hard patches where we have to make cuts to our normal lives. This can be cutting back or having no entertainment spending for a while, buying all store brand or off brand for a while, even just making do with what we already have. The newer generations think they are entitled to special things and treatment because the parents always gave them these things. The world is not made up of getting your way just because you say so. There is no real instant gratification. You DO have to work to get things, to get respect and to live close to how you would like. Know that everyone is trying to get by- just like you. Spend wisely and you can get the things you want if you are smart about it. And if you need help, never be afraid to look into assistance.

We never worried about "healthy" food. We ate because we had to.

This isn't a deep subject, but it does seem to spawn from roots of home. My parents didn't always have a lot of money and we couldn't get assistance. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. While we ate and were fed well, there was a lot of pasta side dishes, processed side dishes and hot dogs. For some families, fast food- while expensive in the long run- was the way to go for convenience. With busy families, fast food continues to dominate. Processed foods are cheap. Some deeper subjects on food include some who ate for comfort in hard home situations, causing a bad habit stemmed from growing up.

What if you are this person? You have the choice when you get out in the world to make decisions that separate you from bad habits at home. Your habits also effect any children you have. For one, it is cheaper to cook your own food then running to fast food. In moderation, you can still buy processed foods and still live a relatively healthier life with your meals. Smaller portions will not only save money and stretch budgets farther, but it's better for the body. This way you can afford fresher foods. Cooking things mostly from scratch can save on salts and fats then always doing processed. Having large amounts of veggies along pasta will stretch cheaper meals since pasta is very cheap and very filling. For the busy parent, look into crock pot meals that are cheap and can be made ahead of time and frozen- just as good heated in the oven so you don't go out and spend on more food or fast food. If you eat for comfort, knowing you do is the first step to diet change. Keep healthy snacks around and ditch junk food so you won't be tempted by these. There is a lot more information and options out there for families to be healthier in their eating. If for nothing else, think about the money you will save with smaller portions and health care of the family!

Just because we grew up a certain way with negative habits doesn't mean we can't change those to be better. We should be proud of heritage and who we are. The values we took. The things we learned. But if we took the wrong parts from our growing up, then what have we really learned as we became a person of our own?

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