Thursday, April 18, 2013

Throw it Away Thursday

Throw it Away Thursday

Throw it away Thursday is all about getting rid of things going on this week that are pulling you down. 

Perhaps you've been pulled into a situation that you shouldn't be a part of. Or maybe you have been bothered by something that has been tugging at you inside. Time to let it all out and shake the feeling.

This day can be as simple or complex as you make it. If it's a situation you are a part of but shouldn't- get distance from it. Tell the other people you don't want to be a part of it. Leave negativity behind you.

If you need to talk, do it. Feeling bad about something can only fester inside. Find someone to talk to. Let it go.

Getting rid of negativity before the weekend will help you relax. Don't carry it with you. People go on through the week and pick up negativity. Although you learned in other earlier blogs to let it go and not be part of it sometimes we have no choice or forget. That's why today is the day of the week to make sure you rid yourself of such things. Don't make it to the weekend with it. Don't carry it until next week.

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