Saturday, April 13, 2013

Smiling Sunday

Smiling Sunday

In our preview, Smiling Sunday was all guessed it...smiling! 

What better way to wear a smile then to have purpose? Faking a smile is never really good, and usually saved for places like work. So, the goal here is to find the reason and make sure it's passed along.

Finding Reasons to Smile

I heard somewhere that if you wake in the morning and smile you'll have a positive attitude for the day. Whether or not this is true it never hurts to try it. Wake in an attitude with purpose, purpose to let your light shine to others. 
You woke up. Another chance, another day. A blessing many never get.

You may have a job. For many these days, a job to pay for bills is hard to come by. Be thankful.

You have a roof over your head. Again, be thankful. Many in the world do not have this.

You have a mode of transportation or in good health to travel on foot. Something that gets from point A to point B is something to be proud of. If you don't but walk places be thankful for the opportunity to save on bills this way, get in the fresh air and that you are able.

Look all around you. Each plant, animal, the sky- even the ground- is something that won't be there forever. It may take billions of years but be glad you get to witness it currently.

Maybe you have had some good news recently. 

Perhaps you bought something you needed or wanted this weekend.

Maybe you found something as simple as a recipe you plan to try soon.

Whatever it is, focus on the positive and let your light shine through a smile. Smiles are usually contagious and such a simple way that could brighten someone's day that may really need it. If someone asks you why your smiling you could tell them any good news you have or just simply state your just happy. 
It is a sad place when people ask you this because so many forget to just be happy with what they have. You don't have to be that way. There is always something to be positive and happy about.

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