Thursday, April 4, 2013

Positivity Training Part 2

Positivity Training Part 2

In this short series we will explore more on things you can do to make your perspective a more positive one. If you missed part 1, please visit it HERE

Of course, many of the blogs I have written go hand in hand with positivity training as a whole. We focused on Looking for the good things, learning that Health may lead to a happier you, even Stress management tips along with a page dedicated to Meditation ideas
Lastly, my latest blog before this was a deeper subject, Changing things about yourself that usually impact not only yourself, but those around you.

Helping Yourself for Today

We all have problems, vices, things that effect us greatly. How about your past

I have met a bunch of people that claim that things in their past is who they are today and nothing will change that. We all have met those people, perhaps we are those people.

Our past does make up who we are: our experiences and how we have reacted has shaped our character, our thoughts even our beliefs. But what if we aren't happy or have had a positive outcome? How do we change this?

Let's look at some examples.

People who act apprehensive toward others or negative aren't really happy.

At the core, being a "bitch" or an "asshole" doesn't reflect happiness and surely doesn't bring about positive energy to those around. You will hear it again and again that these people are happy with themselves or they don't care. It's typically a power struggle within themselves that they must feel worthy of anything to bring others down to their level or to see others hurt. This is NOT happy nor positive. 

What if you are this person? Look inside yourself. Bring compassion and empathy to your situations. Reflect on how these people reacted and even looked. Did you see pain? Did they lash out to defend themselves? How did you feel when people have done the same to you? Maybe it was your home life that grew you into a bully, perhaps a parent didn't show you love and warmth. You know the source, why be the same? This is not who you have to be now, and the choice is truly yours.

I have to steal because that's how we always got by when growing up.

I met people like this a few years ago, even living in nice places. Stealing, whether from a store or a place of residence effects others. Prices in stores compensate for lost merchandise, making it harder for everyone. In a residence area perhaps taking things hurts the people as it was a gift or something they saved for- but they worked for. People who steal do it for many reasons. Needing money, money for drugs, taking nice things for themselves, not having funds for stuff they want and want a better life. People who steal have deep issues both with money and value, especially when they see benefit for themselves without regard to others.

What if you are this person? Times are hard and sometimes our values can be confused. If we did this or saw our parents do this chances are they were also involved in subjects that made hard times even harder. There are plenty of "good" ways to make money even if it takes some extra work. If it's the thrill there are certainly other safe "thrills" that aren't illegal or hurt others. 

My relationships are always bad or I have a habit of hurting others because of my parent's love life.

We all learn how to treat others in a relationship based on what we saw growing up. The biggest problem is that we know and realize it was wrong if it was. Maybe it's abusive. Maybe your not truthful or monogamous. Perhaps you get with people who treat you badly because you ignore what will actually make you happy instead of focusing on a false feeling of love. These problems are often complex in nature.

What if you are this person? First, we do not have to live the same life as those before us. Instead, we are suppose to learn from our elders mistakes. This shows substantial growth and intelligence. If you are abusive know that a relationship is a mutual thing. There should not be dominance or struggle of power. Both sides are equal. If you are not faithful then look within yourself. What aren't you happy with? Is it the person your with, the relationship, or do you feel you need to fill yourself with attraction from others? Perhaps if you want this lifestyle then being together with a person in a relationship is not for you. Even not having a solid relationship and being promiscuous has it's roots in issues from a young age. Typically a lack of attention from the parents. I have found not many people- especially young people- ever actually happy like this.

Part 3 of Positivity training with the continuation of this will be posted next week.
If you aren't happy you have the power to change.

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