Friday, March 22, 2013

Looking for Good Things?

Good Things are Always Around You Somewhere...

Blessings, gifts, what you worked hard for, what you were given. These are little pockets of things in life that we should always remember no matter how little we actually have.

What gives us the best feelings? Is it lots of money, love, possessions? What about yourself
People often spend a lot of time worrying about what they don't have instead of looking around at what they do have. Most of us are lucky enough to have food everyday while a good chunk of the world's population has very little food. Most of us are lucky to have a roof over our heads in a home setting. There are plenty of homeless out there in the world that would give anything for a good place of residence. 

Part of being positive comes from your optimism toward your situation. If your unhappy with your settings and your things you have power to change it. Dreams, hard work, networking, dedication. If one is unhappy but refuses to try to even make small changes to be positive and change their situation, then perhaps one must look inward to the roots of themselves. 

Whether it's meditation or prayer- a refection of self- find what is causing such negative balance. Usually, in my experience with people, it's not looking for what one already has that makes a future look so bleak.

Even a person who has their health has something fortunate that many others cannot say they have. Buddhists follow a path in which they will never own anything other then the robes they wear, yet they find peace. This is because possessions, in their faith, bog down the path toward enlightenment and happiness. They have an inner peace knowing who they are and what they work towards.

It's harder in societies like ours. You need money to exchange, a vehicle to commute to make that money, and we feel as if we need luxury items to destress. 

Why not start by looking for the good already in our daily lives? You wake up- that's one thing that billions of others before us cannot say they have. Today. Alive, breathing, seeing such amazing technological advances that a hundred years ago would have never been plausible. Even day to day items that make life faster and easier- even safer! 

You could look around you no matter what your circumstance and think to yourself: I have a bed, blankets, a television, a roof, some mode of transportation or blessed with two legs to get me around, luxuries (game systems, junk foods, designer jeans...) a job, a family, a friend... a chance to change.

Focus on your positive everyday, even if you are satisfied with life. For today it's here but tomorrow is never promised.

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