Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's The Small Things...

The Small Things Are What Counts...

Yesterday my fiancee told me "I'm always thinking of you when I see little things you would like..." He always brings me small things especially after work. It may be a diet soda I like, some chocolate after mentioning a craving the day before, even the smallest wire chicken planter from a feed store near home that we always pass- and I always commented on how cool they were. (I have a strange fascination with chickens for a kitchen but this planter is awesome for outdoors!) We both have a hard time with his work schedule and with very little spendable money on any sort of fun he tries hard to make me happy in his own way. It's never overlooked. I always thank him. 
We had a fight one night and we didn't have food. Well, he had a frozen meal and I had nothing left. I was peeved and throwing an attitude. He had to go out and get something for the car, but when he returned, my fiancee had a reusable shopping bag full of salad stuff for me. Not only did he know I was indeed need of food, but paid special attention to my need of salads and healthy food I often eat. It was really awesome.

I have always said it was the little things. The little things that make up life, happiness, intrigue, fun... If you wait for the big things to be happy you may always end up disappointed. You could be waiting for a long time passing up opportunities, or the big moments come only to be disappointed that they didn't go as planned.
Again, as many blogs before I mentioned it's those positive things. Seeing the positive, being positive. Almost like being a young kid again. Everything has wonderment. Learn to see the world that way again and people will notice. It may seem silly at first, but when those little things make you happy you begin passing that little bit of energy to those around you and it spreads. Smiles, good deeds, anything. 

I saw The Hobbit finally today and a quote Gandulf said really hit me.
This picture comes from

People often forget they can make a difference even while having little to nothing. Actions are just as valuable and can be bigger then a lump sum to one charity versus good and positive actions that spread and can really hit someone who needs it and changed their day- even life- forever.

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