Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thoughts on Karma

Thoughts on Karma

Most people in today's society would describe Karma as "what goes around comes around". For some Christian types it's "God's blessings or punishment" and that Karma itself doesn't exist.
Personally, I believe both thoughts to be correct on the subject. Karma is the word to describe both in a much simpler way. 
The word and theology of Karma is rooted in Indian religions of Buddhism, Hinduism, and a few others. While each have a slightly different take on Karma, the basics are cause and effect based on actions and deeds. Basically, you do something wrong it'll come back to you. Do something good and good will come back to you.
Other religions have versions of this. Sometimes it's a way to a peaceful afterlife by doing good things, sometimes the effects of the cause are bestowed upon the person in a greater degree. Whatever your personal preference is it's just always good to rack up good Karma. 
It's my belief no one can have good Karma by trying to get it- you have to be doing a good deed without expectation of receiving a prize or something good coming back to you.

Good deeds come in all shapes and sizes and with our previous lesson on positivity you can learn to integrate the two in daily life and just feel better as a person. 
Here are some ideas that you can start doing to get into the habit of selflessly helping others:
  1. Hold the door open for anyone coming or going
  2. Saying a sincere "thank you" to anyone you meet who gives you a service (sometimes someone really needs to hear that they are appreciated!)
  3. Donate to change jars at stores, donate whatever you can- no matter how small- to charities.
  4. Give items like old clothes and such to people- not JUST friends- and skipping the thrift store donation box. (Most thrift stores make a profit and still requires someone who may not have enough to fork over cash- but nothing wrong with it if it's a good shop or you have no one to give to!)
  5. Give up your time to help someone who asks- even if they aren't the most pleasant person (just use proper judgement if the help would otherwise cripple something of yours if the person is just not a good person... by that I mean you don't want to give a few hundred bucks to a person who says they need money and they spend it poorly and never repays it, or someone who would likely steal your vehicle) A small amount is a better loss then a big one with these types.
  6. Give encouragement to those around you. Your positive words bring positive thoughts to others.
  7. Always donate a couple cans of food to food drives when possible. They go a long way with what others afford even if a couple cans is all you can.
  8. Avoid gossip and talking down about others. Negative thoughts only breed negative things. 
  9. Learn to let things go. If someone does you wrong they will get their share of Karma no matter how good they may seem. Planning revenge and even acting on it is negative and puts you in a worse place with Karma.
  10. Always aim to ask how someone is doing when they look down. Sometimes all they need is a simple talk and that's it.
I'm also a firm believer that Karma works when you think no one else sees you. If you are doing something behind someone's back without them knowing but it would hurt them if they found out Karma will not be so kind. Whether it's your intent to hurt that person or not, doing something that's wrong typically will still follow you. It's good just to avoid this.
Karma doesn't just affect the person, but the people around if need be, possessions of that person, even the social aspect. In turn, the person receiving the butt end of Karma can endure a lot of frustrations, hurt and pain- even loss. 

All in all, watch out for each other and yourselves. It makes for a better world altogether and it's a lot easier!

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