Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Day of Spring!

Happy Ostara and First Day of Spring!

Today is the first day of Spring and the rain is falling here at home!

Spring is a renewal marking the end of winter and warmer temperatures. Flowers bloom and plants grow hardy at this time. It's a regrowth of nature for the next few months. Both light and darkness are in perfect balance- day and night- and each day after the day will grow longer. Fertility is also important in this season. Flowers bloom to be pollinated and flourish more plants of themselves by seeds. You probably notice more birds building nests and chicks up in the trees. Baby animals will begin to appear!

Easter is a big holiday where we celebrate in the Spring. I'll post more later when it actually IS Easter, but some quick lore first. Easter for most Christians and some others is the rising of Jesus Christ from the tomb where he was buried 3 days later. There were no eggs involved, no Easter Bunny giving baskets of goodies. These traditions are actually rooted in old pagan tradition for Spring- called Ostara. 

Today marks the day of Ostara. Many people give thanks to nature for fertility and the warmth that is upon us. The history is different for each place in Europe, but the name is derived from Germanic roots. The Easter Bunny as well is German. In the 16th century bunnies and hares were thought to lay eggs on Easter, and the Easter Bunny would deliver colored eggs to reward children for good behavior. A rabbit or hare hopping across fields were watched intently for their behavior as their patterns were thought to hold symbols to what the year may bring.
Eggs themselves have always been a symbol of fertility,a resurrection and continuation of life. Later, Christians adopted this symbol as to recognize the resurrection of Jesus. 

While not quite Easter just yet (Easter actually follows moon phases to be determined what day it falls on each year) we can all take a moment and celebrate Spring as it had come again! 

Maybe even reflect on what renewal means to us.

Some of us will get rid of clutter from the year in an annual Spring cleaning of our home. A "fresh start" to a coming year and cycle- a chance for new things, a chance to rid ourselves of things we don't use or need.

We don't need to limit ourselves to just physical clutter. Much like the New Year, we can take a moment and figure out what we don't need in our lives. What will make us "fresh" in thought and perspective. Maybe it's the people we hang out with that poison us, or perhaps something you do that you can change- rebirth who you are. Have a resurrection of self. This is the time to do just that. 

Today is also another reminder of good things!
Today is Mr. Rogers birthday!
Fred Rogers (March 20, 1928 – February 27, 2003) is most notable for his show "Mr.Roger's Neighborhood" which started in 1968 and spanned three decades. His shows taught patience, morality and compassion. While a religious man, he had a soft spot for children and thought it was important to give them a safe place despite how the world was.
I remember watching him while I was little. I loved the show! It had a bit of magic and intrigue, but it was subtle and soft. No loud noises, crazy colors- just simple. You always expected him to come in, change his shoes- then talk to trolley.  It was a great loss, in my opinion, to lose a show and a man like this who always wanted children to be their best.

“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”

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